Coronavirus 07.04.2020
Most of our patients are at risk for Covid-19, so we have cancelled all appointments where there is no risk of permanent vision loss if they are postponed.
You need a therapy or control that cannot be postponed, so it is recommended that you keep today’s appointment. We have also taken the following measures to keep the risk of infection in our center to a minimum:
- Only patients who do not have fever or flu symptoms themselves or those around them come to us.
- Disinfectant for hand disinfection was provided at all entrances.
- Our consultation hours were reduced to a patient density of 25% in order to keep the number of patients in the waiting room as low as possible.
- For safety reasons, relatives accompany our patients only in individual cases in order to keep the number of people in our center low.
- At present, all examinations that are not absolutely necessary are waived (e.g. eye pressure measurement at the entrance or control of the partner eye).
- Plexiglas panels have been attached to all examination units.
- After each patient an alcohol disinfection of all units is carried out.
- If possible, no more eye drops are given for pupil dilation.
- All necessary examinations are performed without skin contact, if possible.
- For examinations or measures that do not allow a distance of 1.5m, the staff wear masks.
Thanks for taking note.
We wish you all the best and that you will face this worrying time healthy, fearless and positive.
Your center team